Category: Uncategorized
0 447

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I just want you to know that I share the outrage of many women about the horrific sentence that the judge imposed on you. As a mother and grandmother myself I cannot begin to imagine the torment that you went through, and now the ongoing torture of being separated from your children. I assume that you are appealing the sentence, and can only hope that compassion and common sense will win the day. Stay strong if you can, and know that the love of many many women is being sent to you. Diana

Diana more

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0 510

June 15, 2023

I would like to know why there are so many archaic laws, such as this one? Women are still being classed as second class citizens in the 21st Century! It’s time that we as women start pushing for this & other laws which are so archaic they have no place in our society today! We must stop men from dictating what we can do with our bodies, they belong to us & we must fight for what is right! Ladies it is time for us to dictate what can & cannot be when it comes to women & their rights!!

Mandy more

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0 650

June 15, 2023

Hang on in there we’ve got your back xxx

Christine more

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0 626

June 15, 2023

No-one should have a say over what happens within your body except YOU. This sentence is unjust and misogynistic. Women’s bodies are not baby carriers – we all have a right to bodily autonomy. We support you at this awful time and will not cease to campaign until abortion is completely decriminalised and you are free. Take heart!

Isabelle more

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0 440

June 15, 2023

Carla, you were right….and it is your body and your life. The law is wrong to criminalise women in this way. I and many others support you!

Mike more

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0 502

June 15, 2023

I am sure I cannot comprehend the depth of suffering you and your family had/are having. I can do no more than wish you well and let you know that there are many on your side John

anonymous more

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0 927

June 15, 2023

This is unfair in the extreme. I am disgusted and appalled this has happened to you. You have a right to do what you want with your body and make choices about reproduction. You are not alone. We are behind you. Stay strong a little longer.

Claire more

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0 540

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, What happened to you is appalling. You should know that public opinion is behind you. There has been an outcry about your treatment and sentence in the media and amongst everyone I know. I hope that you are able to launch an appeal that will overturn this inhumane decision to imprison you. Good luck and my thoughts. Jennifer

Jennifer more

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0 462

June 15, 2023

I’m so sorry for what you are going through, it’s completely unfair. I did the same thing during the pandemic and I don’t regret it one minute. You made the right choice for yourself at the time, and you have suffered unnecessarily more than anyone else. I know you must be all over the place right now, but please remember you are going to be ok, this is just a blip. And your case is highlighting the injustice in the abortion system in the UK, so right now you are helping countless other women in the future. Your situation is not ‘an extremely rare case’, it’s an extremely rare case that has been reported to the police and every step of the way someone didn’t turn a blind eye when they should have done. You told the truth at the hospital to save your own life, you’ve done the right thing for yourself. Stay strong, you’re not a criminal and you’re not guilty of doing anything wrong. I hope you can find peace within your self, try study an area of interest to keep your mind busy if you can bring yourself to it. It will get better, all my love.

Lydia more

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0 507

June 15, 2023

Hello Carla Foster, I am writing to tell you that you are not alone. Just know that what you did was in both the best interests of yourself and your family -that alone tells me you are a great mother. No one should ever be imprisoned for accessing healthcare that is a human right. You are a strong person.

Rose more

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