Solidarity with Katie

Katie* is facing trial for ending a pregnancy, and is living with the stress and trauma of an ongoing police investigation into her NHS-prescribed abortion. This is all due to an outdated law from 1861 that makes abortion a criminal offence.

Abortion is healthcare, and should be treated as such. This is why Level Up is campaigning for the outdated 1861 law to be removed, and abortion to be decriminalised. Until we achieve that, the most important thing we can do is show solidarity with women who are still being prosecuted under these archaic laws.

It’s crucial that Katie knows the public are on her side – please share a message of support, and we will pass them onto Katie. 

* Katie is not her real name. 

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messages of solidarity

Hi “Katie”, I just want to let you know that you are seen and loved, even by people that you have never met and even though you can’t see us, we stand with you. I know you know that you have done nothing wrong and should never have been made to feel as if you have and to experience the trauma that you have, but I just wanted to reinforce that and also say how sorry I am that this has happened. I have had two abortions and one child so have seen both sides and know that no one gets to make or judge this decision except for you. Abortion is healthcare and what is best for you, is best.

Becca Thomson

Dear Katie* I just wanted to say how sorry I was hear about what you are going through and how you have been treated. It’s only in recent years that I have come to understand the kinds of issues facing women in some of our institutions when they are at their most vulnerable. Women in these situations should be treated with care and compassion and not subjected to what I consider to be institutional abuse. I hope it helps in some small way to know how many people care and are campaigning against the treatment you have received. With love Teresa x

So sorry to hear about this, Katie. It is further evidence of the fact that Britain is not a gender equal country at all, and that unwanted pregnancy is still being used to judge and punish women under archaic and patriarchal ideas of “morality”. As if the decision to end a pregnancy is one lightly made. And – the elephant in the room – as if women just become pregnant on our own!! Keep battling – we will win this. Sorry again that in the meantime you are being subjected to such injustice. Jennifer X

Jennifer Akdemir

Dear Katie, I’m so sorry to learn about what you experienced and am furious on your behalf that something so unfathomable could happen to you. I spent a night in hospital due to a gynaecological procedure and felt suicidal, so can only imagine how you must have felt. You should have been safe and protected, not punished. I know words from strangers can’t undo the harm done to you, but I hope it brings you some comfort to know that people like me are on your side, sending love and compassion. I will continue to support Level Up’s campaign to decriminalise abortion and hope the legal system sees sense over your treatment (the moral crime is entirely theirs).

Hi Katie, Your story has made me so sad. It chills me that you have been treated this way simply for accessing medication. It’s disgusting. I offer you love, support and sisterhood. I have terminated two pregnancies, one surgically and one using pills as prescribed by a doctor. You should have been treated with love, compassion and respect. It is what you deserve in the face of a medical emergency. I am sure you know this but sometimes we need to hear it: it is not your fault. It is infuriating that after an experience like this you now have to face a bogus court case. You should be recovering from this traumatic health incident surrounded by love, not judgement. Sending you love, and solidarity, I will follow your case and hope very much to see compassion and justice throw the bloody thing out of the courts so you can heal. Jo


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