Category: Uncategorized
0 507

June 15, 2023

Hello Carla Foster, I am writing to tell you that you are not alone. Just know that what you did was in both the best interests of yourself and your family -that alone tells me you are a great mother. No one should ever be imprisoned for accessing healthcare that is a human right. You are a strong person.

Rose more

levelUp levelUp

0 543

June 15, 2023

On your side, have no fear.

Adam more

levelUp levelUp

0 517

June 15, 2023

Chin up Carla! We’re watching what’s happening and will not look away!! All the best!

Angie more

levelUp levelUp

0 505

June 15, 2023

I am thinking of you and feel deeply about your plight

marion more

levelUp levelUp

0 499

June 15, 2023

Total nonsense, It’s a womans choice, it’s her body to do as she sees fit for her well being. Its That simple. Our judicial system is sick The law is sick They hide behind power to carry on their perverse needs. The whole world has been made sick by these idiots in control.

Jim more

levelUp levelUp

0 657

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, This sentence is an insult to you and all women. I am outraged and I stand with you absolutely. I hope that the outcry against your sentence will lead to the rescinding of this outdated law and that your conviction will be quashed immediately. Stay strong.

Ann more

levelUp levelUp

0 619

June 15, 2023

I’m so so SO cross, it’s actually devastating. It’s all the different areas of misogyny like the fact that police were allowed to access her search history and that despite all the letters of advocacy from docs and nurses the judge still made this ruling – and that no one thought to abolish that ridiculous outdated legislation before something like this level Of ridiculousness happened. I cannot imagine the stress, fear and helplessness this person must have felt at the beginning of covid, how horrifying to now have to relive what was obviously an awful circumstance. How is there no bodily autonomy for women in this time we’re living in And in this country. No one should be in prison for anything about their own body.

anonymous more

levelUp levelUp

0 5,3K

September 23, 2022

Letter to the Sentencing Council on pregnant women

View PDF No Births Behind Bars and Level UpNew Derwent House69‑73 Theobalds RoadLondonWC1X 8TA Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MPLord Chancellor and Secretary ... more

levelUp levelUp

0 623

June 15, 2023

Hello Carla, I hope you’re bearing up. As a man I can’t feel what you’re feeling, but I know that you did what you had to, and not lightly. I’m certain that prison is absolutely the wrong place for you, and I’m glad that you have support from Level Up. I will add what support I can. Chin up and remain hopeful. You’re not alone. With love, Colin

Colin more

levelUp levelUp

0 457

June 15, 2023

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for the ordeal you and those you love have undergone and the appalling treatment meted out by the, so called, justice system. I’m especially outraged by the remark that, if you’d pleaded guilty sooner, the sentence would have been suspended. I hope you are all able to survive until this brutal punishment is over, or better still revoked.


levelUp levelUp
