All the research and articles on the effects of hair relaxers in one place

Since the launch of Level Up’s #NoMoreLyes campaign in 2021, L’Oréal – the largest global manufacturer of hair relaxers – has denied links between their products and various illnesses including uterine cancer, fibroids and respiratory disease. L’Oréal, and other manufacturers including Revlon, have argued that there isn’t enough scientific evidence to prove that their hair relaxers could be harming Black women – a growing body of research from institutions like Oxford University and Boston University would suggest otherwise.

We know it can be overwhelming to keep up with the emerging studies, articles, lawsuits and news on this issue, so we’ve compiled a list of resources in one place. We’ll update the collection as we gather more information but we need your help. If you come across any research, videos, articles, podcasts or anything else about the harmful effects of hair relaxers please share them with us and we’ll add them to the list!

The more information we gather the harder it becomes for corporates like L’Oréal to evade accountability for the risks posed by their products.

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