No More Lyes – Experiences with hair relaxers

Level Up’s No More Lyes campaign is calling on big beauty brands to stand up for Black women’s health, and take lye-based hair relaxers off the shelves.

A huge part of this campaign is amplifying Black women’s experiences with hair relaxers.

Have you ever used hair relaxers? By sharing your stories and experiences in this short survey, you’re helping Level Up build an evidence base to campaign for safer hair products for Black women.

Do you use, or have you previously used, hair relaxers?
If yes, how old were you when you first used relaxers?
Do you think hair relaxers are safe to use?
Before this campaign, did you know hair relaxers include lye (sodium hydroxide)?
Before this campaign, were you aware of the link between use of lye-based relaxers and a 30% increased risk of breast cancer in Black women?
Do you think beauty companies have a responsibility to protect Black women’s health?
Do you want to see lye-based relaxers taken off the shelves?
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