Category: Uncategorized
0 481

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I send you and your family love and strength. I am so sorry for the terrible ordeal you have been through but we will fight to make it right for you and your children. With Love, Ruth

Ruth more

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0 482

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla I was very sorry to learn of your situation and the fact that you were prosecuted under an ancient law. Please know that you have my support and hope to hear of your release soon Yours John

John more

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0 625

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I’m horrified at what has and is being done to you and feel incredibly angry and sorry about it. Whatever your circumstances, you had the right to choose what you wanted to do with your own body without any rules imposed on you – or any of us. After all it’s not like terminating a pregnancy is ever an easy thing to do, is it? Anyway, while I’m sure it’s of little consolation, please know that there are many many people who don’t judge you for your choices and support you and the abolishing of the arcane laws you were prosecuted under. We’ll continue to fight for your rights and mine and all other women’s. I hope you can continue to be a fighter, too, to get through your sentence and the aftermath. It must be so hard to be away from your kids and I’ll be holding all of you together in my thoughts. Finally, I hope you might allow me to cast my personal protection spell (for me and my loved ones) on you and yours as well: Be good. Be well. Be brave. Be safe. Be kind. And maybe try to have at least one good laugh a day even when there’s not all that much to laugh about. I live with complex PTSD and have found that even slightly forced laughter makes a big difference. It’s like giving your mind and body a little break and pick me up. Big hugs! In love and rage, V. xx

anonymous more

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0 555

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla It is with sincere sympathy that I send this message of hope to you. You have been wrongfully imprisoned for making a decision that is rightfully yours to make. I know this cannot have been a decision that you made lightly. I wholeheartedly defend your decision, your right to choose and your right to freedom. I hope our messages will help you to feel less alone, because we stand with you.

Debra more

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0 435

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla Sending you all good thoughts. No-one should be criminalised for exercising their right to bodily autonomy. Please know that you are not forgotten, and that there are so many people out here who support you. Yours in solidarity Alice

Alice more

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0 540

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, What happened to you is appalling. You should know that public opinion is behind you. There has been an outcry about your treatment and sentence in the media and amongst everyone I know. I hope that you are able to launch an appeal that will overturn this inhumane decision to imprison you. Good luck and my thoughts. Jennifer

Jennifer more

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0 546

June 15, 2023

Dearest Carla. My friends and I were absolutely horrified at what has happened to you. Making a choice about your own body should never be criminalised. I am beyond sorry about your experience but please know that there are thousands of us who are behind you, think what has been done to you is disgusting and send all our love and solidarity to you. Jo xxxxxxx

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0 516

June 15, 2023

Everybody I speak to is completely appalled at your guilty verdict. It’s really hard to believe such injustice is still permissible. Please keep hoping that common sense and justice will prevail and that you will be released soon.

Rodney more

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0 617

June 15, 2023

Hang in there Carla. We’re fighting for you. Hopefully we’ll get you out and back with your family where you belong. Stay strong, we stand with you xx

Jenn more

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0 650

June 15, 2023

Hang on in there we’ve got your back xxx

Christine more

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