Category: solidarity
0 232

July 16, 2024

Hi Kate, you are a strong, brave woman in the face of unnecessary hardship. You made the right choice for you and your body and we are with you in spirit. Love from Sam x

Sam Gilroy more

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0 264

July 16, 2024

Hi “Katie”, I just want to let you know that you are seen and loved, even by people that you have never met and even though you can’t see us, we stand with you. I know you know that you have done nothing wrong and should never have been made to feel as if you have and to experience the trauma that you have, but I just wanted to reinforce that and also say how sorry I am that this has happened. I have had two abortions and one child so have seen both sides and know that no one gets to make or judge this decision except for you. Abortion is healthcare and what is best for you, is best.

Becca Thomson more

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0 285

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie, sending you lots of Karma, stay positive and remember that there is a massive number of people out there that are on your side and campaigning for this outdated law to be removed. Together we can do it.

Angela Pooley more

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0 301

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie (sorry I can’t use your real name), I am so so sorry to hear about the terrible time you’ve been having. I used to be an NHS doctor, and as far as I’m concerned it should be the midwife who reported you, not you, who is facing investigation. Every nurse and doctor who works in the NHS is taught from day one that patient confidentiality is an absolute, only to be broken in very specific circumstances. Your circumstance was not one of them, and she had no right to do what she did. It must be unbelievably stressful to have to go through an abortion and then emergency surgery, so to then be faced with criminal charges doesn’t bear thinking about. It makes me very angry that women are not allowed to own their own bodies. It makes me even angrier when I hear about other women as well as men interfering like this. I have been campaigning for women to have free access to abortion services, as well as for women in prisons to have proper access to maternity care. It seems that there has been a sudden increase in the number of women in your situation being prosecuted, which surely has no basis in today’s society, and we have to work hard to stop it. I’m sending you hope and strength and sisterly love, and the strongest wishes that all the charges against you are dropped. Good luck and stay strong, you have done nothing wrong. Diana x

Diana Brighouse more

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0 237

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie I really feel for what you are going through. I had an abortion many years ago and feel I might not be here today if I hadn’t! You have my solidarity and support in an unfeeling, unfair patriarchal system. With blessings Valerie

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0 247

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie it is hard to believe that you are facing prosecution for accessing healthcare. We will not stand by while you face injustice. We will help Level Up to campaign on your side. I want to let you know that we send our support and solidarity. Please look after yourself.

Christopher Gooch more

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0 255

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie, What is being done to you is outrageous and downright spiteful. It’s certainly not protecting the public from crime. One person has been allowed to act on their own personal beliefs and the so-called justice system is helping her ‘punish’ you severely and unnecessarily. They should all be prosecuted for hate crime. They’re all hurting you but you’ve hurt no one. This action should be thrown out completely and this ridiculous law removed from the statute books. With love and strength, Dot

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0 976

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie, Your story has made me so sad. It chills me that you have been treated this way simply for accessing medication. It’s disgusting. I offer you love, support and sisterhood. I have terminated two pregnancies, one surgically and one using pills as prescribed by a doctor. You should have been treated with love, compassion and respect. It is what you deserve in the face of a medical emergency. I am sure you know this but sometimes we need to hear it: it is not your fault. It is infuriating that after an experience like this you now have to face a bogus court case. You should be recovering from this traumatic health incident surrounded by love, not judgement. Sending you love, and solidarity, I will follow your case and hope very much to see compassion and justice throw the bloody thing out of the courts so you can heal. Jo

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0 240

July 16, 2024

Hi love, thinking of you and in total solidarity. you didn’t do anything wrong and justice will prevail. sending love from newcastle

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0 532

June 15, 2023

Hi mate, you don’t know me but I just want to say that you have done nothing wrong and that I am appalled at your treatment and sentence. Totally unfair and wrong. Try and stay as strong as you can, I know that will be really hard. But there are loads of us that will be supporting you and demanding change. Please know that you are not alone and try to feel the support. Take lots of care and I wish you a speedy return home. Charlie.

Charlie more

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