Category: solidarity
0 311

July 16, 2024

hang in there you have done nothing wrong, the laws an arse. you and no body else has a choice about your body .i personaly have nothing but respect for you and your decisions. i wish you well , respect. x regards peter

peter rayner more

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0 283

July 16, 2024

You are not a criminal and do not deserve to be treated as such. We will fight for you all the way through this, you are not alone!

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0 257

July 16, 2024

Katie, there are so many terrible things happening in the world but the way the English state has treated you is absolutely ghastly. I really did not believe my wife when she told me about it; please know that there must be hundreds if not thousands of well-wishes supporting you and be assured of our thoughts and hopes. With best wishes, Timothy Reynish

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0 447

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I just want you to know that I share the outrage of many women about the horrific sentence that the judge imposed on you. As a mother and grandmother myself I cannot begin to imagine the torment that you went through, and now the ongoing torture of being separated from your children. I assume that you are appealing the sentence, and can only hope that compassion and common sense will win the day. Stay strong if you can, and know that the love of many many women is being sent to you. Diana

Diana more

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0 510

June 15, 2023

I would like to know why there are so many archaic laws, such as this one? Women are still being classed as second class citizens in the 21st Century! It’s time that we as women start pushing for this & other laws which are so archaic they have no place in our society today! We must stop men from dictating what we can do with our bodies, they belong to us & we must fight for what is right! Ladies it is time for us to dictate what can & cannot be when it comes to women & their rights!!

Mandy more

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0 291

July 16, 2024


Georgina Wong more

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0 253

July 16, 2024

Please accept my sincere sympathy and solidarity for the brutal ordeal you are experiencing. As a retired nurse. I’m appalled by the lack of basic human decency and compassion with which you are being treated and hope you have the inner strength and support from others to endure and triumph.


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0 262

July 16, 2024

I am sending you love and light in this awful situation, one that should not exist.

Kate Snusher more

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0 272

July 16, 2024

I am with you and believe that the whole thing is unfair and immoral and that abortion should be treated a a healthcare issue not a crime. I just hope those involved in your trial have the good sense to see past this ridiculous action. Cheers Penny

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0 304

July 16, 2024

Magical woman, We are here for you ♥️ don’t for a moment think that you have done anything wrong or that you are anything less than strong and brave and kind for doing the right thing for you. Remember how loved you are and keep going!

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