Category: solidarity
0 287

July 16, 2024

Katie I’m so sorry this is happening to you in 2024!! Our laws that were created centuries ago still having power is abysmal and we will all fight this until it is changed. In the meantime, we stand in solidarity with you in your time of need. Be safe and be well

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0 256

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie, My heart goes out to you as you face this ordeal. What a travesty. Sending you my support at this difficult time. Janet

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0 581

June 15, 2023

“He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future” George Orwell The control of a woman’s body should be hers alone; every woman knows this and every woman who writes a message of solidarity to you will be doing so in the knowledge that this is, morally and ethically, the right position. We stand with you, we will fight until the fight is won and, of our basic human autonomy, never will we surrender.

Lucy more

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0 461

June 15, 2023

Hello Carla, Whatever happened, we are on your side. You don’t deserve this. But we hope that your case will be a rallying call for women in the UK to stand up and say enough is enough. Let the woman chose. In sisterhood XX

Kay more

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0 753

June 15, 2023

Sending you all the love in the world, what you’re going through must be unimaginably hard and it is completely unjust! We are fighting for you and a better world for women with full autonomy over their own bodies

Kezia more

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0 260

July 16, 2024

Our thoughts are with you in your struggle against this unjust situation. Wishing you a successful outcome.

Alistair Grey more

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0 298

July 16, 2024

It is so wrong that you should be on trial simply for accessing necessary health care. Almost unbelievable that this is happening on the basis of a Victorian law which should have been repealed long ago. I hope very much that you get the right outcome, and maybe it’s a bit of comfort to know that your case is shedding light on the need for reform of the law. All my support and solidarity

Jenny Brook more

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0 257

July 16, 2024

I am appalled by what you are being made to endure and please know that women everywhere will feel the same. Stay strong, you have our support.

Joan Strong more

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0 260

July 16, 2024

I greatly sympathise with you about the way you have been treated. I hope you will find comfort in all aspects of your life, and that the foolish law under which you are being harassed will be quickly removed so that all can see you are a victim of obsolete prejudice.

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0 276

July 16, 2024

I am so sorry, you deserve better than this. I can’t imagine how it was to have gone through all that and be treated like a criminal for nothing but exercising your autonomy and right over your own body . They made me feel like that too. And it is wrong. It’s hard to find the words but I wanted to write to you so you know that you are not alone, that there are so many of us on your side. I am sending love and solidarity. We are with you. B xx

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