Category: solidarity
0 247

July 16, 2024

Your body is your body and no one else’s. Your mind is your mind and no one else’s. You are a strong woman. You don’t have to answer to anyone. Solidarity and keep smiling. There are good days to come.

Jenny more

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0 257

July 16, 2024

The patriarchy really are mysoginistic, women are still “witches” and men still fear us, so to keep us quiet in every sense we are targets. Don’t open your mouth or try something they don’t approve of, are some men so fragile they need to do these things? Keep being a woman, strong and steadfast.

Grace Millett more

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0 275

July 16, 2024

Sending you an absolutely enormous amount of strength, support and love. You have done only what is right for you, and that is an act of courage and self love that should be your fundamental human right. I can’t imagine the pain you must be suffering on account of this outrageous miscarriage of justice, but know that women everywhere stand with you and stand for you. Don’t lose hope, we’re all here for you.

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0 277

July 16, 2024

I believe that a woman’s health care is between her and her doctor. Women should be able to make informed decisions and doctors should be empowered to save the lives of women. The law needs to be updated. Your body belongs to you; it is not the property of the state.

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0 266

July 16, 2024

I’m standing with you Katie!! You have every right to make decisions about your own body and life! You’re not alone!!!

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0 611

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, it’s with rage that so many women and men heard of your sentencing. You have been made an example of, in response to an archaic law that has absolutely no place in our time. May you stay strong and know that the thoughts of so many of us around the world are with you, we are behind you, we are against the law, and the law must be changed.

Jules more

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0 502

June 15, 2023

It is shocking for me to read that you have received a prison sentence on top of the emotional stress and pain of the abortion. I want you to know that I think this is unfair and unnecessary and offer you my best wishes, Bob Jamieson

Bob more

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0 237

July 16, 2024

Sending love and strength. The system is bullshit, and we are behind you 100%.

Kelsey more

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0 279

July 16, 2024

I’m sorry this is happening to you, it’s wrong and archaic. It’s bad enough that the police should be involved in a woman’s healthcare but that the very people who should be helping you behave in such a way is appalling. I know you must be feeling worried and probably frightened for the future and I wish I could help you. At the least, please remember how many women are on your side, of whom I’m only one. Anna

Anna Grist more

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0 257

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie I am so sorry that you are a victim of archaic laws.. I hope that you will be able to be strong facing your troubles. Know that l am with you and thinking about you. Love and good wishes Liz Holmes

Liz Holmes more

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