Category: solidarity
0 275

July 16, 2024

So sorry you are going through this. It is totally wrong. Say strong, our thoughts are with you.

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0 293

July 16, 2024

Hello Katie, I am appalled by the way you have been treated and further appalled that such injustice can exist in Britain today. I know I cannot fully appreciate all that you have suffered and continue to suffer, but I do feel for you. Wishing you all the best John

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0 293

July 16, 2024

Cheering you on! Stay strong.

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0 995

July 16, 2024

Sending lots of love and ease your way, Katie.

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0 265

July 16, 2024

I can’t imagine what you’re going through but we stand with you. What an outrageous thing to have to be put through. Our bodies our choice. Sending all the love x

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0 242

July 16, 2024

We are so sorry to hear that you are on trial. We had no idea that such a thing is possible in our day and age. May the outcome be in your favour and something done to take this appalling 1861 law off the statute book so that nobody else will suffer.

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0 237

July 16, 2024

As a woman I stand by Katie. As a human I stand by Katie. We should all have the right to health care. We should all have the right to an abortion.

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0 266

July 16, 2024

I’m standing with you Katie!! You have every right to make decisions about your own body and life! You’re not alone!!!

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0 233

July 16, 2024

All women have the right to an abortion safely without judgement. Abortion should not be a crime.

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0 245

July 16, 2024

You are strong, you are brave, and you face these challenges on behalf of all women who are controlled, have their power removed and their worth diminished by government and systems, but I wish you didn’t have to. Thank you for choosing to protect yourself, the world needs you. Any abortion is only ever an act of love, for life, kindness, sacrifice and need.

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