Category: Carla-Foster
0 447

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I just want you to know that I share the outrage of many women about the horrific sentence that the judge imposed on you. As a mother and grandmother myself I cannot begin to imagine the torment that you went through, and now the ongoing torture of being separated from your children. I assume that you are appealing the sentence, and can only hope that compassion and common sense will win the day. Stay strong if you can, and know that the love of many many women is being sent to you. Diana

Diana more

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0 652

June 15, 2023

Carla the people are on your side keep your head up you have done nothing wrong you should,nt be going to prison

claudia more

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0 540

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, What happened to you is appalling. You should know that public opinion is behind you. There has been an outcry about your treatment and sentence in the media and amongst everyone I know. I hope that you are able to launch an appeal that will overturn this inhumane decision to imprison you. Good luck and my thoughts. Jennifer

Jennifer more

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0 531

June 15, 2023

Carla, Following your plight has been upsetting and anger inducing in equal measure. Your predicament should never have been criminalised Please know that thousands of people are fighting for you and hold you and your family in our thoughts ❤

Nicola more

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0 465

June 15, 2023

Carla, I support you. I respect your decision and action. All have a right to medical care and medication and abortion is part of that. I will continue to speak openly about the need for women to access abortion and abortion care for themselves. Kate

Kate more

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0 600

June 15, 2023

Carla, I hope you’re ok and getting by the best you can. I want you to know that thousands of women and people across the country support you without judgement. What you did was so understandable, so human. It’s an outrage that you were imprisoned for it. We will fight for you and everyone else at risk. If you can, keep a diary whilst you’re in there. It will help you stay sane. Read, eat whenever the food is decent, sleep, take care of yourself. Sending lots of love and solidarity your way. We’ve got your back.

Louisa more

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0 576

June 15, 2023

Carla, I’m so sorry this has happened to you. Please always know you did nothing wrong and that millions of people are outraged and sending so much love and support xx

Steph more

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0 440

June 15, 2023

Carla, you were right….and it is your body and your life. The law is wrong to criminalise women in this way. I and many others support you!

Mike more

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0 517

June 15, 2023

Chin up Carla! We’re watching what’s happening and will not look away!! All the best!

Angie more

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