Category: Carla-Foster
0 652

June 15, 2023

Carla the people are on your side keep your head up you have done nothing wrong you should,nt be going to prison

claudia more

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0 527

June 15, 2023

Hopefully all our voices will change this ludicrous punishment.

Jacqueline more

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0 528

June 15, 2023

The law is outdated and totally wrong. We feel for you and your children. The law has to change. Woman should own their bodies the same as men own theirs.

anonymous more

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0 555

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla It is with sincere sympathy that I send this message of hope to you. You have been wrongfully imprisoned for making a decision that is rightfully yours to make. I know this cannot have been a decision that you made lightly. I wholeheartedly defend your decision, your right to choose and your right to freedom. I hope our messages will help you to feel less alone, because we stand with you.

Debra more

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0 472

June 15, 2023

I personally have not been in this situation but to take a mother away from her children is totally wrong, because of an outdated law? REALLY? All women need to stand up for Carla, stand behind her in support of her show her that we care what happens to her and will not take this sitting down! We need to step up and put an end to this cruelty of taking mothers away from their children, IT IS WRONG! All females should come together in support of Carla.

Jacqueline more

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0 641

June 15, 2023

You will of course be upset Carla, but above all, don’t feel ashamed. You did what you had to do and until someone has been in your position and had to make that decision for themselves, they have no right to criticise you. Take strength from that knowledge. I am sending you my supportive thoughts and love. With others, I will be arguing for your return to your children as soon as possible – I will start by lobbying my MP. Look after yourself. Trish xxx

Patricia more

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0 512

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, thinking of you and hoping that an appeal against this ridiculous sentence will be forthcoming and successful. It is unbelievable that a law from 1861 still holds sway over women’s rights and control over their own bodies. I have only recently been made aware that such a law exists. I was under the impression that abortion was a right for all women in this country. Wishing you all the best.

Sue more

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0 480

June 15, 2023

It’s your body, your choice, stay safe and strong. Lots of love and hugs and kisses

anonymous more

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0 531

June 15, 2023

Carla, Following your plight has been upsetting and anger inducing in equal measure. Your predicament should never have been criminalised Please know that thousands of people are fighting for you and hold you and your family in our thoughts ❤

Nicola more

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0 507

June 15, 2023

I am appalled at a prison sentence being imposed upon Carla for causing a late abortion, and earnestly appeal for her to be released from prison while the case is reviewed. For many reasons, a prison sentence was inappropriate in this case, that a reviewing body is virtually certain to cast it down. It is therefore essential that she is allowed to return home to care for her family during the time required for the reviewing body to be set up, and to undo the the harm that has been caused .

William Winstanley more

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