Category: Carla-Foster
0 654

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, This sentence is an insult to you and all women. I am outraged and I stand with you absolutely. I hope that the outcry against your sentence will lead to the rescinding of this outdated law and that your conviction will be quashed immediately. Stay strong.

Ann more

levelUp levelUp

0 615

June 15, 2023

I’m so so SO cross, it’s actually devastating. It’s all the different areas of misogyny like the fact that police were allowed to access her search history and that despite all the letters of advocacy from docs and nurses the judge still made this ruling – and that no one thought to abolish that ridiculous outdated legislation before something like this level Of ridiculousness happened. I cannot imagine the stress, fear and helplessness this person must have felt at the beginning of covid, how horrifying to now have to relive what was obviously an awful circumstance. How is there no bodily autonomy for women in this time we’re living in And in this country. No one should be in prison for anything about their own body.

anonymous more

levelUp levelUp

0 623

June 15, 2023

Hello Carla, I hope you’re bearing up. As a man I can’t feel what you’re feeling, but I know that you did what you had to, and not lightly. I’m certain that prison is absolutely the wrong place for you, and I’m glad that you have support from Level Up. I will add what support I can. Chin up and remain hopeful. You’re not alone. With love, Colin

Colin more

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0 455

June 15, 2023

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for the ordeal you and those you love have undergone and the appalling treatment meted out by the, so called, justice system. I’m especially outraged by the remark that, if you’d pleaded guilty sooner, the sentence would have been suspended. I hope you are all able to survive until this brutal punishment is over, or better still revoked.


levelUp levelUp

0 550

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla I am so sorry about what has happened to you. I wish there was something I could do to change things for you. It seems deeply unjust that you were prosecuted at all and I am outraged that you have been sent to prison. It is so wrong. I hope you can take some small comfort from knowing how many people are angry and upset at what you are going through and are thinking of you and your children. With warmest wishes Amanda

Amanda more

levelUp levelUp

0 611

June 15, 2023

I am very angry about this . Please remember that many of us will fight to get you released

Yvonne more

levelUp levelUp

0 542

June 15, 2023

We’ve got your back

Phil more

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0 512

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I want to send you lots of love. You are in my prayers.

Leslie more

levelUp levelUp

0 427

June 15, 2023

In my opinion you definitely don’t belong in prison. Somebody in your situation was in need of compassion and counselling, not punishment. Back in 1865 children were still working down in the mines from the age of 13. We certainly don’t want to be governed by the legal situation that allowed this to occur, and neither should we be governed by laws on abortion dating from then. I very much hope that you are soon released, and that the law is changed. Best wishes Mark Cowling

Mark more

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0 579

June 15, 2023

“He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future” George Orwell The control of a woman’s body should be hers alone; every woman knows this and every woman who writes a message of solidarity to you will be doing so in the knowledge that this is, morally and ethically, the right position. We stand with you, we will fight until the fight is won and, of our basic human autonomy, never will we surrender.

Lucy more

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