Category: Carla-Foster
0 515

June 15, 2023

I can’t begin to understand what you’ve been through & am appalled at how our so-called justice system has treated you. My thoughts are with you.

Liza more

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0 506

June 15, 2023

It should never be questioned that women should have ultimate control over what happens to their bodies. Safe abortion and support should be an option for all women who find themselves pregnant in all circumstances where they don’t want to have a child, for whatever reason. If she is suffering from mental illness, then she should also received mental health support for as long as she needs it. Counselling should be available to anyone who needs it when choosing abortion, and good, non-judgemental information about the process should be readily available to anyone who is considering it. We need gold standard treatment, and Carla’s name should never have been plastered all over the press. Carla’s three children will suffer enough while their mother is in jail, having the world knowing that their mum is in jail, and the reasons for it, is just cruelty. Carla is not a criminal, the law is wrong and needs to be changed.

Amanda more

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0 676

June 15, 2023

I find it is very disgraceful, that a mother who has an abortion, because that is her choice, is subsequently sent to prison. My thoughts are with her and her family, at this disgraceful time. The law needs to be changed, to protect women from this disgraceful law. Best wishes to you Carla Foster, at this very disgusting time.

Malcolm more

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0 475

June 15, 2023

It’s outrageous you have been sent to prison. The law has to change to make it equivalent to that in N Ireland. Stay strong, lots of women are behind you.

Sydney more

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0 472

June 15, 2023

I personally have not been in this situation but to take a mother away from her children is totally wrong, because of an outdated law? REALLY? All women need to stand up for Carla, stand behind her in support of her show her that we care what happens to her and will not take this sitting down! We need to step up and put an end to this cruelty of taking mothers away from their children, IT IS WRONG! All females should come together in support of Carla.

Jacqueline more

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0 478

June 15, 2023

It’s your body, your choice, stay safe and strong. Lots of love and hugs and kisses

anonymous more

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0 440

June 15, 2023

I really feel for you. This is not the way society sould be treating you – or your children. But, I am encouraged that many people share my view of how wrong your sentence is and I hope tht this is a help to you.

Michael more

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0 455

June 15, 2023

Just to say “hello” and hope you are getting through each day, Carla. It is wrong to imprison you. It is wrong that you have been taken away from your children. The quicker you return home, the better. Thinking of you. Alison Oick

Alison more

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0 427

June 15, 2023

I want you to know that there is a lot of support and sympathy among the public for you. Prison is definitely not the answer in this situation.

Anne more

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0 516

June 15, 2023

Everybody I speak to is completely appalled at your guilty verdict. It’s really hard to believe such injustice is still permissible. Please keep hoping that common sense and justice will prevail and that you will be released soon.

Rodney more

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