Category: Carla-Foster
0 462

June 15, 2023

I’m so sorry for what you are going through, it’s completely unfair. I did the same thing during the pandemic and I don’t regret it one minute. You made the right choice for yourself at the time, and you have suffered unnecessarily more than anyone else. I know you must be all over the place right now, but please remember you are going to be ok, this is just a blip. And your case is highlighting the injustice in the abortion system in the UK, so right now you are helping countless other women in the future. Your situation is not ‘an extremely rare case’, it’s an extremely rare case that has been reported to the police and every step of the way someone didn’t turn a blind eye when they should have done. You told the truth at the hospital to save your own life, you’ve done the right thing for yourself. Stay strong, you’re not a criminal and you’re not guilty of doing anything wrong. I hope you can find peace within your self, try study an area of interest to keep your mind busy if you can bring yourself to it. It will get better, all my love.

Lydia more

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0 502

June 15, 2023

I am thinking of you and feel deeply about your plight

marion more

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0 615

June 15, 2023

I’m so so SO cross, it’s actually devastating. It’s all the different areas of misogyny like the fact that police were allowed to access her search history and that despite all the letters of advocacy from docs and nurses the judge still made this ruling – and that no one thought to abolish that ridiculous outdated legislation before something like this level Of ridiculousness happened. I cannot imagine the stress, fear and helplessness this person must have felt at the beginning of covid, how horrifying to now have to relive what was obviously an awful circumstance. How is there no bodily autonomy for women in this time we’re living in And in this country. No one should be in prison for anything about their own body.

anonymous more

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0 613

June 15, 2023

I am very angry about this . Please remember that many of us will fight to get you released

Yvonne more

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0 427

June 15, 2023

In my opinion you definitely don’t belong in prison. Somebody in your situation was in need of compassion and counselling, not punishment. Back in 1865 children were still working down in the mines from the age of 13. We certainly don’t want to be governed by the legal situation that allowed this to occur, and neither should we be governed by laws on abortion dating from then. I very much hope that you are soon released, and that the law is changed. Best wishes Mark Cowling

Mark more

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0 483

June 15, 2023

I can’t understand why such a law still exists! This law does no good for society and the application did no good for you, your family, or community as a whole. I am so sorry that it has taken your suffering to highlight this injustice. I hope and trust that the law will be changed and that you will be released back into the family where you can do good rather than being where it does no good to anyone.

Rob more

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0 500

June 15, 2023

It is shocking for me to read that you have received a prison sentence on top of the emotional stress and pain of the abortion. I want you to know that I think this is unfair and unnecessary and offer you my best wishes, Bob Jamieson

Bob more

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0 517

June 15, 2023

I can’t begin to understand what you’ve been through & am appalled at how our so-called justice system has treated you. My thoughts are with you.

Liza more

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0 506

June 15, 2023

It should never be questioned that women should have ultimate control over what happens to their bodies. Safe abortion and support should be an option for all women who find themselves pregnant in all circumstances where they don’t want to have a child, for whatever reason. If she is suffering from mental illness, then she should also received mental health support for as long as she needs it. Counselling should be available to anyone who needs it when choosing abortion, and good, non-judgemental information about the process should be readily available to anyone who is considering it. We need gold standard treatment, and Carla’s name should never have been plastered all over the press. Carla’s three children will suffer enough while their mother is in jail, having the world knowing that their mum is in jail, and the reasons for it, is just cruelty. Carla is not a criminal, the law is wrong and needs to be changed.

Amanda more

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0 482

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, my heart goes out to you, cannot imagine what you must be going through with this insanity. I’m sure all you want is for it to end, and I hope you will soon be vindicated and issued an apology for this complete travesty. With love, stay strong for you, your family and your fight for justice, Jill x

Jill more

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