Category: solidarity
0 437

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla Sending you all good thoughts. No-one should be criminalised for exercising their right to bodily autonomy. Please know that you are not forgotten, and that there are so many people out here who support you. Yours in solidarity Alice

Alice more

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0 679

June 15, 2023

I find it is very disgraceful, that a mother who has an abortion, because that is her choice, is subsequently sent to prison. My thoughts are with her and her family, at this disgraceful time. The law needs to be changed, to protect women from this disgraceful law. Best wishes to you Carla Foster, at this very disgusting time.

Malcolm more

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0 559

June 15, 2023

You must have been desperate and you have my full sympathy.

Alan more

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0 244

July 16, 2024

We are all with you, it is a disgrace the way you are being treated

Margaret Brown more

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0 238

July 16, 2024

This is appalling. Your lawyers should appeal to the new PM to immediately halt this prosecution. We are not in the 19th century. Abortion should be decriminalised now!

Helene Grygar more

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0 274

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie, I do hope common sense and kindness prevail and your indictment is simply withdrawn. We must all join together to get this outdated law removed from the Statute Book. Hopefully you can take some comfort that so many women support you and feel for you. Dr Ruth Barker

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0 272

July 16, 2024

Nobody should be going through what you are going through. We’re on your side and wish you all the best. Thinking of you at this difficult time.

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0 246

July 16, 2024

You are strong, you are brave, and you face these challenges on behalf of all women who are controlled, have their power removed and their worth diminished by government and systems, but I wish you didn’t have to. Thank you for choosing to protect yourself, the world needs you. Any abortion is only ever an act of love, for life, kindness, sacrifice and need.

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0 483

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, my heart goes out to you, cannot imagine what you must be going through with this insanity. I’m sure all you want is for it to end, and I hope you will soon be vindicated and issued an apology for this complete travesty. With love, stay strong for you, your family and your fight for justice, Jill x

Jill more

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0 478

June 15, 2023

It’s outrageous you have been sent to prison. The law has to change to make it equivalent to that in N Ireland. Stay strong, lots of women are behind you.

Sydney more

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