I was 17 just passed my driving test, the two people I would talk to, one had just had a miscarriage and the other had just gone through ivf. I needed to talk I tried help lines but they only had recorded messages. I went yo the gp who very embarrassed just asked the necessary questions then sent me on my way. I drove myself to the hospital thinking I would just drive myself home. They put me on the ward with all the new babies, eventually into a side room, the nurse they gave me was I would say about 7/8 months pregnant, I was made to feel absolutely shit. It xame to the moment I had to sign the paperwork qnd put down my next of kin and the guilt hit me that if something happened I would really hurt my sister who I had put on the paperwork, so I called her. She then phoned my cousin who came straight up the hospital. She had to go to work so sent her partner to pick me up, the looks this poor man that had nothing to do with my situation received was horrible I felt so shit. I went back to their’s coming back the next day to collect my car and because it had already been arranged I had to go shopping for baby bits for my cousin baby. The whole situation made me feel less than a person, I was treated in such a horrible way. I only hope this doesn’t happen now but in my heart I know it probably does and it makes me sad. I will say I should have talked to my mum but I wanted it to be my decision I didn’t want to be influenced by anyone. My mum had a child at a young age and so did my sister, I wanted to break the cycle.
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