Report Issue Please complete the required fields. Your Name Email Reason (required)This post contains broken linksPost has incorrect informationPost has spamCopyright IssueOther Description Submit Dave L Telegram (0) WhatsApp (0) Katie levelUp 286 posts | Previous So bad that they are compounding your anguish with this. I don’t know the circumstances but the fact given, that the NHS prescribed this action, is surely proof that you should not be going through this and will be cleared at the end, but that won’t help until it’s over – and it will be over. Try to get on with your life – an entire movement is between you and is fighting for you. God bless. Next I am so sorry for the trauma you have been through. The legal system is broken and funding for abortion services is abysmal. I’m so sorry that you are paying the price for problems that are not your fault. Thousands of people across the country, including me, are with you and will not stop until you have justice. Write a Reply or Comment You should Sign In or Sign Up account to post comment. Save my name for the next time I comment. Post comment
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