Tag: Katie
0 242

July 16, 2024

Dear I’m so sorry this has happened to you. It’s so very wrong. Stand . The law has to change. Claire xx

Claire Claire more

levelUp levelUp

0 227

July 16, 2024

Dear ‘Katie’, What you are enduring is unfair beyond measure. I am standing with you: may Level Up be successful in their efforts and may you get justice.

Ann Dixon more

levelUp levelUp

0 235

July 16, 2024

Dear “Katie”, I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. I support women in their struggle to have control over their own bodies. With luck and continued support, your case may be dismissed or may be treated leniently, and the archaic law will be taken off the statute books. You have done nothing wrong You should not have been arrested, and should not be taken to court or punished. I look forward to hearing about your freedom. Sincerely, Tom

tom Foxe more

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0 230

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie I am so sorry that you are a victim of archaic laws.. I hope that you will be able to be strong facing your troubles. Know that l am with you and thinking about you. Love and good wishes Liz Holmes

Liz Holmes more

levelUp levelUp

0 259

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie, I am so angry and frustrated and sorry that this happened (and is still happening) to you. Abortion is healthcare, responsible abortion-providing dating scans etc- is vital. You were failed by the NHS and the government on your moment of greatest need. I see you, I support you unwaveringly, and while I’m not Christian, I will make a petition to the Old Gods for Justice. Finally- the midwife should be ashamed. Her whole career is supposed to be about supporting and advocating for women, not condemning and judging. I stand shoulder to shoulder with you

Sam B more

levelUp levelUp

0 269

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie, My name is Sarah and I read about your awful experiences via Level Up. What’s happening to you is terrible. It’s not much, but you have my compassion, care and best wishes. I sincerely hope that the legal system comes to its senses very soon, and wish you didn’t have to go through this. With warmth Sarah X

Sarah C more

levelUp levelUp

0 241

July 16, 2024

Don’t let the B’Stard’s get you down

Kevin Aylward more

levelUp levelUp

0 246

July 16, 2024

God Bless You And Protect You Katie. We Stand With You And Respect Your Decision. Best Wishes. Arabella and Trevor

Arabella Gruen more

levelUp levelUp

0 239

July 16, 2024

Good luck Kate, you are very supported1

Ann Jungmann more

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0 358

July 16, 2024

Good luck to you Katie. With warm thoughts for you, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Spradbery more

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