Carla Foster, a mum of three, has been sentenced to prison for ending a pregnancy. This is all due to an outdated law from 1861 which shouldn’t be on our law books.

It’s crucial that Carla knows the public are on her side – please share a message of support, and we will pass these onto her legal team. 

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messages of solidarity

I’m so sorry for what you are going through, it’s completely unfair. I did the same thing during the pandemic and I don’t regret it one minute. You made the right choice for yourself at the time, and you have suffered unnecessarily more than anyone else. I know you must be all over the place right now, but please remember you are going to be ok, this is just a blip. And your case is highlighting the injustice in the abortion system in the UK, so right now you are helping countless other women in the future. Your situation is not ‘an extremely rare case’, it’s an extremely rare case that has been reported to the police and every step of the way someone didn’t turn a blind eye when they should have done. You told the truth at the hospital to save your own life, you’ve done the right thing for yourself. Stay strong, you’re not a criminal and you’re not guilty of doing anything wrong. I hope you can find peace within your self, try study an area of interest to keep your mind busy if you can bring yourself to it. It will get better, all my love.


Dear Carla I am sorry!! Sorry you have been taken away from your children, sorry you have been treated so badly, sorry for the hurt you must be feeling, sorry you were even prosecuted in the first place and sorry you have been given such a disproportionate sentence. I am sorry but most of all I am angry. Angry that our archaic system feels it is acceptable to do all of the above. We care Carla and we will fight for your release and to ensure this happens to nobody else. Keep strong Carleen


It should never be questioned that women should have ultimate control over what happens to their bodies. Safe abortion and support should be an option for all women who find themselves pregnant in all circumstances where they don’t want to have a child, for whatever reason. If she is suffering from mental illness, then she should also received mental health support for as long as she needs it. Counselling should be available to anyone who needs it when choosing abortion, and good, non-judgemental information about the process should be readily available to anyone who is considering it. We need gold standard treatment, and Carla’s name should never have been plastered all over the press. Carla’s three children will suffer enough while their mother is in jail, having the world knowing that their mum is in jail, and the reasons for it, is just cruelty. Carla is not a criminal, the law is wrong and needs to be changed.


Dear Carla, I’m horrified at what has and is being done to you and feel incredibly angry and sorry about it. Whatever your circumstances, you had the right to choose what you wanted to do with your own body without any rules imposed on you – or any of us. After all it’s not like terminating a pregnancy is ever an easy thing to do, is it? Anyway, while I’m sure it’s of little consolation, please know that there are many many people who don’t judge you for your choices and support you and the abolishing of the arcane laws you were prosecuted under. We’ll continue to fight for your rights and mine and all other women’s. I hope you can continue to be a fighter, too, to get through your sentence and the aftermath. It must be so hard to be away from your kids and I’ll be holding all of you together in my thoughts. Finally, I hope you might allow me to cast my personal protection spell (for me and my loved ones) on you and yours as well: Be good. Be well. Be brave. Be safe. Be kind. And maybe try to have at least one good laugh a day even when there’s not all that much to laugh about. I live with complex PTSD and have found that even slightly forced laughter makes a big difference. It’s like giving your mind and body a little break and pick me up. Big hugs! In love and rage, V. xx


I am appalled at a prison sentence being imposed upon Carla for causing a late abortion, and earnestly appeal for her to be released from prison while the case is reviewed. For many reasons, a prison sentence was inappropriate in this case, that a reviewing body is virtually certain to cast it down. It is therefore essential that she is allowed to return home to care for her family during the time required for the reviewing body to be set up, and to undo the the harm that has been caused .

William Winstanley

I’m so so SO cross, it’s actually devastating. It’s all the different areas of misogyny like the fact that police were allowed to access her search history and that despite all the letters of advocacy from docs and nurses the judge still made this ruling – and that no one thought to abolish that ridiculous outdated legislation before something like this level Of ridiculousness happened. I cannot imagine the stress, fear and helplessness this person must have felt at the beginning of covid, how horrifying to now have to relive what was obviously an awful circumstance. How is there no bodily autonomy for women in this time we’re living in And in this country. No one should be in prison for anything about their own body.


I am appalled to hear that you have been sentenced to a prison term Carla. I want you to know that I, and everyone I know, think this is a travesty of justice. This law is archaic and inhumane and needs changed. If there had to be consequences they should not have involved taking you away from your children. I will support all endeavours to have this sentence revoked. I cannot believe a woman can be taken from her family and imprisoned for the actions you took, actions taken in exceptional circumstances and in desperation. I am so angry about this miscarriage of justice. Thinking of you in this terrible time.


Dear Carla, I just want you to know that I share the outrage of many women about the horrific sentence that the judge imposed on you. As a mother and grandmother myself I cannot begin to imagine the torment that you went through, and now the ongoing torture of being separated from your children. I assume that you are appealing the sentence, and can only hope that compassion and common sense will win the day. Stay strong if you can, and know that the love of many many women is being sent to you. Diana


Carla, I hope you’re ok and getting by the best you can. I want you to know that thousands of women and people across the country support you without judgement. What you did was so understandable, so human. It’s an outrage that you were imprisoned for it. We will fight for you and everyone else at risk. If you can, keep a diary whilst you’re in there. It will help you stay sane. Read, eat whenever the food is decent, sleep, take care of yourself. Sending lots of love and solidarity your way. We’ve got your back.



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