Report Issue Please complete the required fields. Your Name Email Reason (required)This post contains broken linksPost has incorrect informationPost has spamCopyright IssueOther Description Submit Barbara Hocke Telegram (0) WhatsApp (0) Katie levelUp 286 posts | Previous I’m sorry this is happening to you, it’s wrong and archaic. It’s bad enough that the police should be involved in a woman’s healthcare but that the very people who should be helping you behave in such a way is appalling. I know you must be feeling worried and probably frightened for the future and I wish I could help you. At the least, please remember how many women are on your side, of whom I’m only one. Anna Next The patriarchy really are mysoginistic, women are still “witches” and men still fear us, so to keep us quiet in every sense we are targets. Don’t open your mouth or try something they don’t approve of, are some men so fragile they need to do these things? Keep being a woman, strong and steadfast. Write a Reply or Comment You should Sign In or Sign Up account to post comment. Save my name for the next time I comment. Post comment
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