Report Issue Please complete the required fields. Your Name Email Reason (required)This post contains broken linksPost has incorrect informationPost has spamCopyright IssueOther Description Submit Susan Munro Telegram (0) WhatsApp (0) Katie levelUp 286 posts | Previous So sorry you are being put through this, we are all here with you supporting you. You are not alone ! Next Dear Katie, I am so angry and frustrated and sorry that this happened (and is still happening) to you. Abortion is healthcare, responsible abortion-providing dating scans etc- is vital. You were failed by the NHS and the government on your moment of greatest need. I see you, I support you unwaveringly, and while I’m not Christian, I will make a petition to the Old Gods for Justice. Finally- the midwife should be ashamed. Her whole career is supposed to be about supporting and advocating for women, not condemning and judging. I stand shoulder to shoulder with you Write a Reply or Comment You should Sign In or Sign Up account to post comment. Save my name for the next time I comment. Post comment
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