Prison will never be a safe place for pregnant women and new mothers. In the last two years, two pregnant women have gone into labour inside their cells and their babies have died. Even if the worst doesn’t happen, prison causes toxic stress and trauma to both mother and child. Short sentences can have a long-lasting, lifelong negative impact.
Level Up, Birth Companions and Women in Prison are joining forces to campaign for an end to prison sentencing for pregnant women. This event, hosted by professor Gargi Bhattacharyya will centre the experiences and opinions of three women behind the campaign who experienced their pregnancies in prison, Dr Laura Abbott, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery at Hertfordshire University whose research specialises in the experience of pregnant women in prison, and Kelsey Mohammed, founder of Cradle Community and member of Campaign Against Prison Expansion (CAPE).
Come to learn about what it means to be pregnant in prison in the UK, what the alternatives are, and the role you can play in being part of that change.
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