Category: Uncategorized
0 677

June 15, 2023

I find it is very disgraceful, that a mother who has an abortion, because that is her choice, is subsequently sent to prison. My thoughts are with her and her family, at this disgraceful time. The law needs to be changed, to protect women from this disgraceful law. Best wishes to you Carla Foster, at this very disgusting time.

Malcolm more

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0 541

June 15, 2023

On your side, have no fear.

Adam more

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0 641

June 15, 2023

You will of course be upset Carla, but above all, don’t feel ashamed. You did what you had to do and until someone has been in your position and had to make that decision for themselves, they have no right to criticise you. Take strength from that knowledge. I am sending you my supportive thoughts and love. With others, I will be arguing for your return to your children as soon as possible – I will start by lobbying my MP. Look after yourself. Trish xxx

Patricia more

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0 455

June 15, 2023

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for the ordeal you and those you love have undergone and the appalling treatment meted out by the, so called, justice system. I’m especially outraged by the remark that, if you’d pleaded guilty sooner, the sentence would have been suspended. I hope you are all able to survive until this brutal punishment is over, or better still revoked.


levelUp levelUp

0 753

June 15, 2023

Sending you all the love in the world, what you’re going through must be unimaginably hard and it is completely unjust! We are fighting for you and a better world for women with full autonomy over their own bodies

Kezia more

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0 519

June 15, 2023

So sorry Carla that you have been incarcerated for something that has gone on since time immortal. I know it’s hard to get an abortion and you don’t always know how far into a pregnancy without a scan you are.. but to rip you from your family and criminalise you is outrageous. I’m so angry with the system that can send a woman to jail for controlling her body please know myself and thousands of people are thinking and hoping your sentence gets quashed soon xx

Dee more

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0 600

June 15, 2023

Solidarity and hope you are released soon.

Stephen more

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0 528

June 15, 2023

The law is outdated and totally wrong. We feel for you and your children. The law has to change. Woman should own their bodies the same as men own theirs.

anonymous more

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0 474

June 15, 2023

The majority of this country is behind you. Know that you are loved X Kate

Kate more

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0 546

June 15, 2023

This antiquated law is despicable and you have all my support and solidarity. I hope you and your family are able to weather this as well as possible. It’s disgusting and shouldn’t be happening.

Nicole more

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