Category: Uncategorized
0 465

June 15, 2023

Carla, I support you. I respect your decision and action. All have a right to medical care and medication and abortion is part of that. I will continue to speak openly about the need for women to access abortion and abortion care for themselves. Kate

Kate more

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0 494

June 15, 2023

I am appalled to hear that you have been sentenced to a prison term Carla. I want you to know that I, and everyone I know, think this is a travesty of justice. This law is archaic and inhumane and needs changed. If there had to be consequences they should not have involved taking you away from your children. I will support all endeavours to have this sentence revoked. I cannot believe a woman can be taken from her family and imprisoned for the actions you took, actions taken in exceptional circumstances and in desperation. I am so angry about this miscarriage of justice. Thinking of you in this terrible time.

Fiona more

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0 546

June 15, 2023

This antiquated law is despicable and you have all my support and solidarity. I hope you and your family are able to weather this as well as possible. It’s disgusting and shouldn’t be happening.

Nicole more

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0 481

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I send you and your family love and strength. I am so sorry for the terrible ordeal you have been through but we will fight to make it right for you and your children. With Love, Ruth

Ruth more

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0 429

June 15, 2023

I want you to know that there is a lot of support and sympathy among the public for you. Prison is definitely not the answer in this situation.

Anne more

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0 516

June 15, 2023

Everybody I speak to is completely appalled at your guilty verdict. It’s really hard to believe such injustice is still permissible. Please keep hoping that common sense and justice will prevail and that you will be released soon.

Rodney more

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0 606

June 15, 2023

Keep strong…nobody knows what you are dealing with

Theresa more

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0 600

June 15, 2023

Carla, I hope you’re ok and getting by the best you can. I want you to know that thousands of women and people across the country support you without judgement. What you did was so understandable, so human. It’s an outrage that you were imprisoned for it. We will fight for you and everyone else at risk. If you can, keep a diary whilst you’re in there. It will help you stay sane. Read, eat whenever the food is decent, sleep, take care of yourself. Sending lots of love and solidarity your way. We’ve got your back.

Louisa more

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0 806

June 15, 2023

I am horrified at the brutal way you have been treated. Take care, and I hope you will be restored to your family soon.

Phil more

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0 460

June 15, 2023

This appalling miscarriage of “justice” should never have happened in what is supposed to be an enlightened society

Alan Gilchrist more

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