Category: solidarity
0 264

July 16, 2024

No woman should go through being judged and condemned. It’s absolutely disgusting and what was the midwife thinking phoning the police. I’m on your side Katie.

Sandra more

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0 626

June 15, 2023

No-one should have a say over what happens within your body except YOU. This sentence is unjust and misogynistic. Women’s bodies are not baby carriers – we all have a right to bodily autonomy. We support you at this awful time and will not cease to campaign until abortion is completely decriminalised and you are free. Take heart!

Isabelle more

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0 297

July 16, 2024

No one other than the woman involved in what is always a most difficult and painful situation. should have any right to decide if this woman does or not want to be a parent (or be a parent again). This is more than a healthcare issue – pregnancy is not the most important aspect of such a plight. Pregnancy is for none months. Motherhood is for life. Wholeheartedly with you, Katie! Be strong and take good care of yourself. Right and reason are on your side.

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0 551

June 15, 2023

My heart breaks for you and your children. Please stay strong and know that there are so many people standing with you. We won’t stop until we get rid of these archaic laws and make sure everyone can access safe healthcare when they need it, without fear. I’m so sorry this hasn’t happened in time for you, to this country’s shame. Sending love and strength, Ruth, Bournemouth

Ruth more

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0 304

July 16, 2024

Magical woman, We are here for you ♥️ don’t for a moment think that you have done anything wrong or that you are anything less than strong and brave and kind for doing the right thing for you. Remember how loved you are and keep going!

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0 358

July 16, 2024

Love and peace to you ❤️

Alison Storer more

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0 316

July 16, 2024

Love and hugs from Kate X

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0 319

July 16, 2024

Keep your head up, you are fighting for all Women.

Stephen Thomas more

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0 276

July 16, 2024

Keep your chin up Katie. This is 2024 what the hell, a woman should have the right to decide about her own body. It is disgraceful. I will be thinking about you, and I hope the best for you.

Sandra Smailes more

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0 606

June 15, 2023

Keep strong…nobody knows what you are dealing with

Theresa more

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