Category: solidarity
0 223

July 16, 2024

I want you to know that you are supported and loved! There are so many of us following the details of your case and others who have been subjected to this, and will support whatever campaign is ongoing to decriminalise what should never have been classified this way. It is so unjust and I’m so sorry that you are going through this. Sending you love and strength x

levelUp levelUp

0 237

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie I really feel for what you are going through. I had an abortion many years ago and feel I might not be here today if I hadn’t! You have my solidarity and support in an unfeeling, unfair patriarchal system. With blessings Valerie

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0 507

June 15, 2023

Hello Carla Foster, I am writing to tell you that you are not alone. Just know that what you did was in both the best interests of yourself and your family -that alone tells me you are a great mother. No one should ever be imprisoned for accessing healthcare that is a human right. You are a strong person.

Rose more

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0 541

June 15, 2023

On your side, have no fear.

Adam more

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0 246

July 16, 2024

So sorry to hear about this, Katie. It is further evidence of the fact that Britain is not a gender equal country at all, and that unwanted pregnancy is still being used to judge and punish women under archaic and patriarchal ideas of “morality”. As if the decision to end a pregnancy is one lightly made. And – the elephant in the room – as if women just become pregnant on our own!! Keep battling – we will win this. Sorry again that in the meantime you are being subjected to such injustice. Jennifer X

Jennifer Akdemir more

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0 317

July 16, 2024

Stay strong Katie, we have all got your back, justice will prevail!!!!!

Paul Reddy more

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0 309

July 16, 2024

So bad that they are compounding your anguish with this. I don’t know the circumstances but the fact given, that the NHS prescribed this action, is surely proof that you should not be going through this and will be cleared at the end, but that won’t help until it’s over – and it will be over. Try to get on with your life – an entire movement is between you and is fighting for you. God bless.

Neville Bruce more

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0 240

July 16, 2024

Hi love, thinking of you and in total solidarity. you didn’t do anything wrong and justice will prevail. sending love from newcastle

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0 247

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie* I just wanted to say how sorry I was hear about what you are going through and how you have been treated. It’s only in recent years that I have come to understand the kinds of issues facing women in some of our institutions when they are at their most vulnerable. Women in these situations should be treated with care and compassion and not subjected to what I consider to be institutional abuse. I hope it helps in some small way to know how many people care and are campaigning against the treatment you have received. With love Teresa x

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0 323

July 16, 2024

I’m standing with you Katie xxx

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