Category: solidarity
0 255

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie, What is being done to you is outrageous and downright spiteful. It’s certainly not protecting the public from crime. One person has been allowed to act on their own personal beliefs and the so-called justice system is helping her ‘punish’ you severely and unnecessarily. They should all be prosecuted for hate crime. They’re all hurting you but you’ve hurt no one. This action should be thrown out completely and this ridiculous law removed from the statute books. With love and strength, Dot

levelUp levelUp

0 252

July 16, 2024

So sorry for what is happening to you. Abortion is Healthcare. Thankyou for sharing and for your solidarity with other women. x

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0 255

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie Just to let you know that you are not forgotten and that we are not only standing with you in solidarity, we are still campaigning for you. You did the right thing and should not be punished for something you’re legally entitled to. Level Up and women, including me, all over Britain sends you love and best wishes for an end to this so you can carry on with your life. All the very best, K C x

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0 310

July 16, 2024

I’m so sorry you are going through this and have been so let down by our health service which should be there to support you at the hardest time and yet have screwed you over by criminalising you. Sending love and solidarity! Xxx

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0 272

July 16, 2024

I am with you and believe that the whole thing is unfair and immoral and that abortion should be treated a a healthcare issue not a crime. I just hope those involved in your trial have the good sense to see past this ridiculous action. Cheers Penny

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0 284

July 16, 2024

I am so sorry for the trauma you have been through. The legal system is broken and funding for abortion services is abysmal. I’m so sorry that you are paying the price for problems that are not your fault. Thousands of people across the country, including me, are with you and will not stop until you have justice.

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0 309

July 16, 2024

I’m absolutely appalled at what happened to you and I can’t imagine the stress you’re under. Sending you love and solidarity on behalf of all the reasonable people who support you and have your back.

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0 253

July 16, 2024

Having gone through an abortion, I know it’s not easy. It’s not a pleasant choice. Abortion must be treated compassionately and decriminalized. I’m so sorry you are facing this. It’s wrong. You are in my thoughts.

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0 281

July 16, 2024

Sister, You did nothing wrong. You have the right to control what happens to your body. I’m so sorry you’re going through such a stressful process, I can imagine what it would be like. Please know so so many of us are with you. I stand with you 100%. This shouldn’t be a fight, but since they made it so, let’s keep up the fight and win. Take care. Stay proud. – Zelda

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0 302

July 16, 2024

I could believe this happened in parts of the USA but Great Britain no and I don’t know why it hasn’t been reported more widely. There are far too many busy bodies who try and force their (often religious) views on others (usually women). This will resort in a waste of public money that could far better be spent on other things to say nothing of the stress and disruption of your life. I wish you all the best and and hope the trial goes well for you

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