Category: solidarity
0 341

July 16, 2024

I’m sorry you’re going through this xx

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0 307

July 16, 2024

Sending you love and strength to get through this xxx

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0 232

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie, I’m so sorry that the NHS Midwife treated you this way, and now the court system is forcing you to stand trial for choosing what to do with your own body, your own dignity and you right to live. This should not be happening to you and makes me so angry on your behalf and for all women subjected to this humiliating, degrading and disrespectful system. Standing with you all the way to your victory and for you to have a judge who puts humanity and rights of women first.

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0 245

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie* I just wanted to say how sorry I was hear about what you are going through and how you have been treated. It’s only in recent years that I have come to understand the kinds of issues facing women in some of our institutions when they are at their most vulnerable. Women in these situations should be treated with care and compassion and not subjected to what I consider to be institutional abuse. I hope it helps in some small way to know how many people care and are campaigning against the treatment you have received. With love Teresa x

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0 247

July 16, 2024

This is absolutely awful. I am sorry this is happening to you. Please keep fighting,

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0 255

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie, What is being done to you is outrageous and downright spiteful. It’s certainly not protecting the public from crime. One person has been allowed to act on their own personal beliefs and the so-called justice system is helping her ‘punish’ you severely and unnecessarily. They should all be prosecuted for hate crime. They’re all hurting you but you’ve hurt no one. This action should be thrown out completely and this ridiculous law removed from the statute books. With love and strength, Dot

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0 260

July 16, 2024

I greatly sympathise with you about the way you have been treated. I hope you will find comfort in all aspects of your life, and that the foolish law under which you are being harassed will be quickly removed so that all can see you are a victim of obsolete prejudice.

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0 258

July 16, 2024

Abortion rights are basic healthcare. Solidarity with “Katie” and all women facing discrimination and injustice in the face of outdated and barbaric laws.

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0 289

July 16, 2024

This law is just wrong. You are not a criminal. We are on your side.

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0 277

July 16, 2024

I am so sorry this happened to you. I am sorry you are being used as an “example” for the patriarchy. I wish you strength. I wish you inner peace (as best as possible) whilst still having enough fire inside to not give up. I wish you many cups of tea!

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