Category: solidarity
0 546

June 15, 2023

Dearest Carla. My friends and I were absolutely horrified at what has happened to you. Making a choice about your own body should never be criminalised. I am beyond sorry about your experience but please know that there are thousands of us who are behind you, think what has been done to you is disgusting and send all our love and solidarity to you. Jo xxxxxxx

levelUp levelUp

0 265

July 16, 2024

Don’t let the B’Stard’s get you down

Kevin Aylward more

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0 516

June 15, 2023

Everybody I speak to is completely appalled at your guilty verdict. It’s really hard to believe such injustice is still permissible. Please keep hoping that common sense and justice will prevail and that you will be released soon.

Rodney more

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0 270

July 16, 2024

God Bless You And Protect You Katie. We Stand With You And Respect Your Decision. Best Wishes. Arabella and Trevor

Arabella Gruen more

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0 264

July 16, 2024

Good luck Kate, you are very supported1

Ann Jungmann more

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0 387

July 16, 2024

Good luck to you Katie. With warm thoughts for you, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Spradbery more

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0 296

July 16, 2024

Got your back girl; stay strong x x

Susan Munro more

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0 617

June 15, 2023

Hang in there Carla. We’re fighting for you. Hopefully we’ll get you out and back with your family where you belong. Stay strong, we stand with you xx

Jenn more

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0 311

July 16, 2024

hang in there you have done nothing wrong, the laws an arse. you and no body else has a choice about your body .i personaly have nothing but respect for you and your decisions. i wish you well , respect. x regards peter

peter rayner more

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0 650

June 15, 2023

Hang on in there we’ve got your back xxx

Christine more

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