Category: solidarity
0 308

July 16, 2024

I am sorry that you are having to cope with such an antiquated and essentially immoral law. You have done nothing wrong. Don’t let people make you believe or feel you did. You matter. Hang on to that. Very best Mary

Mary Corran more

levelUp levelUp

0 270

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie, please stay strong. You had to take a dreadful decision during a terrible time. I hope you are treated with sympathy and mercy.

levelUp levelUp

0 236

July 16, 2024

You are not alone. The majority of people in this country support you. You are the victim of a ridiculous miscarriage of justice, but it will be put right for you and others eventually. Good luck and stay strong.

levelUp levelUp

0 241

July 16, 2024

Woman to woman: stay atrong. Your fight is our fight.

levelUp levelUp

0 619

June 15, 2023

Hang in there Carla. We’re fighting for you. Hopefully we’ll get you out and back with your family where you belong. Stay strong, we stand with you xx

Jenn more

levelUp levelUp

0 552

June 15, 2023

My heart breaks for you and your children. Please stay strong and know that there are so many people standing with you. We won’t stop until we get rid of these archaic laws and make sure everyone can access safe healthcare when they need it, without fear. I’m so sorry this hasn’t happened in time for you, to this country’s shame. Sending love and strength, Ruth, Bournemouth

Ruth more

levelUp levelUp

0 251

July 16, 2024

Dear ‘Katie’, What you are enduring is unfair beyond measure. I am standing with you: may Level Up be successful in their efforts and may you get justice.

Ann Dixon more

levelUp levelUp

0 254

July 16, 2024

We all stand with you, please don’t lose hope. What you’re going through is horrific – no one should have to face what you are. Please take strength from knowing how many people are on your side and will fight for you, and for all women facing this situation. You will get through this – I know how difficult it can be – but please just take things a day at a time. There is a whole community here to support you, we’re here for whatever you need.

Kirsty more

levelUp levelUp

0 406

July 16, 2024

Thinking of you Katie. It is absolutely disgraceful that you are being treated like this for using something that is perfectly legal, This is a situation that no man, or pro-lifer will ever understand. I’m sorry that you were betrayed by people that should have been looking after you. I hope it all goes well, and you are cleared of the ‘crime’.

Michelle Hayward more

levelUp levelUp

0 310

July 16, 2024

I’m so sorry you are going through this and have been so let down by our health service which should be there to support you at the hardest time and yet have screwed you over by criminalising you. Sending love and solidarity! Xxx

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