Category: solidarity
0 301

July 16, 2024

Dear *Katie, the world is unfair, but you are not alone. We will be with you and not let them take your right to choose. I’ve been through abortion and even though I’ve made my decision before becoming pregnant I was made to feel bad about it by people who don’t know me or my circumstances. I don’t regret doing it I just regret that I didn’t tell the people who I dealt with what I think about their opinion. Your body, your choice. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You got this! We will fight for you! Big hugs xxx Sabine

levelUp levelUp

0 263

July 16, 2024

Dear “Katie”, I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. I support women in their struggle to have control over their own bodies. With luck and continued support, your case may be dismissed or may be treated leniently, and the archaic law will be taken off the statute books. You have done nothing wrong You should not have been arrested, and should not be taken to court or punished. I look forward to hearing about your freedom. Sincerely, Tom

tom Foxe more

levelUp levelUp

0 313

July 16, 2024

Dear “Kate” I am so sorry for your troubles. would have expected some empathy. You should not be treated in this way. I’m shocked that a midwife would involve themselves in your business. Please be aware that the vast majority of the country support your right to bodily autonomy. Take care of yourself, and I will be hoping for a positive out come for you. With the best of wishes Lesley Edgley (an old granny in Wales)

levelUp levelUp

0 251

July 16, 2024

Dear ‘Katie’, What you are enduring is unfair beyond measure. I am standing with you: may Level Up be successful in their efforts and may you get justice.

Ann Dixon more

levelUp levelUp

0 267

July 16, 2024

Dear I’m so sorry this has happened to you. It’s so very wrong. Stand . The law has to change. Claire xx

Claire Claire more

levelUp levelUp

0 517

June 15, 2023

Chin up Carla! We’re watching what’s happening and will not look away!! All the best!

Angie more

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0 296

July 16, 2024

Cheering you on! Stay strong.

levelUp levelUp

0 440

June 15, 2023

Carla, you were right….and it is your body and your life. The law is wrong to criminalise women in this way. I and many others support you!

Mike more

levelUp levelUp

0 578

June 15, 2023

Carla, I’m so sorry this has happened to you. Please always know you did nothing wrong and that millions of people are outraged and sending so much love and support xx

Steph more

levelUp levelUp

0 600

June 15, 2023

Carla, I hope you’re ok and getting by the best you can. I want you to know that thousands of women and people across the country support you without judgement. What you did was so understandable, so human. It’s an outrage that you were imprisoned for it. We will fight for you and everyone else at risk. If you can, keep a diary whilst you’re in there. It will help you stay sane. Read, eat whenever the food is decent, sleep, take care of yourself. Sending lots of love and solidarity your way. We’ve got your back.

Louisa more

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