Category: solidarity
0 666

June 15, 2023

Hang on in there we’ve got your back xxx

Christine more

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0 507

June 15, 2023

Hello Carla Foster, I am writing to tell you that you are not alone. Just know that what you did was in both the best interests of yourself and your family -that alone tells me you are a great mother. No one should ever be imprisoned for accessing healthcare that is a human right. You are a strong person.

Rose more

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0 663

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla – it is outrageous that you have been sentenced to prison and I want you to know that you have a lot of support and love around you which will ultimately win against this cruel judgement.

anonymous more

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0 582

June 15, 2023

“He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future” George Orwell The control of a woman’s body should be hers alone; every woman knows this and every woman who writes a message of solidarity to you will be doing so in the knowledge that this is, morally and ethically, the right position. We stand with you, we will fight until the fight is won and, of our basic human autonomy, never will we surrender.

Lucy more

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0 482

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I send you and your family love and strength. I am so sorry for the terrible ordeal you have been through but we will fight to make it right for you and your children. With Love, Ruth

Ruth more

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0 472

June 15, 2023

All abortions should be free, safe, local and available on demand without limits. Sending love to you and your loved ones.

anonymous more

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0 628

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I’m horrified at what has and is being done to you and feel incredibly angry and sorry about it. Whatever your circumstances, you had the right to choose what you wanted to do with your own body without any rules imposed on you – or any of us. After all it’s not like terminating a pregnancy is ever an easy thing to do, is it? Anyway, while I’m sure it’s of little consolation, please know that there are many many people who don’t judge you for your choices and support you and the abolishing of the arcane laws you were prosecuted under. We’ll continue to fight for your rights and mine and all other women’s. I hope you can continue to be a fighter, too, to get through your sentence and the aftermath. It must be so hard to be away from your kids and I’ll be holding all of you together in my thoughts. Finally, I hope you might allow me to cast my personal protection spell (for me and my loved ones) on you and yours as well: Be good. Be well. Be brave. Be safe. Be kind. And maybe try to have at least one good laugh a day even when there’s not all that much to laugh about. I live with complex PTSD and have found that even slightly forced laughter makes a big difference. It’s like giving your mind and body a little break and pick me up. Big hugs! In love and rage, V. xx

anonymous more

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0 520

June 15, 2023

Be strong Carla what has happened to you is a travesty, take strength that we outside are fighting in various ways for your release ! You do NOT deserve to be where you are whatsoever ! There are an extremely large no of supporters fighting for your freedom. Bless you, sending you best wishes, strength, and love ❤️❤️❤️ you are always in our thoughts and will get you released ❤️

Monica more

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0 447

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I just want you to know that I share the outrage of many women about the horrific sentence that the judge imposed on you. As a mother and grandmother myself I cannot begin to imagine the torment that you went through, and now the ongoing torture of being separated from your children. I assume that you are appealing the sentence, and can only hope that compassion and common sense will win the day. Stay strong if you can, and know that the love of many many women is being sent to you. Diana

Diana more

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0 653

June 15, 2023

Carla the people are on your side keep your head up you have done nothing wrong you should,nt be going to prison

claudia more

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