Category: solidarity
0 287

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie, I am so angry and frustrated and sorry that this happened (and is still happening) to you. Abortion is healthcare, responsible abortion-providing dating scans etc- is vital. You were failed by the NHS and the government on your moment of greatest need. I see you, I support you unwaveringly, and while I’m not Christian, I will make a petition to the Old Gods for Justice. Finally- the midwife should be ashamed. Her whole career is supposed to be about supporting and advocating for women, not condemning and judging. I stand shoulder to shoulder with you

Sam B more

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0 255

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie Just to let you know that you are not forgotten and that we are not only standing with you in solidarity, we are still campaigning for you. You did the right thing and should not be punished for something you’re legally entitled to. Level Up and women, including me, all over Britain sends you love and best wishes for an end to this so you can carry on with your life. All the very best, K C x

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0 257

July 16, 2024

Dear Katie I am so sorry that you are a victim of archaic laws.. I hope that you will be able to be strong facing your troubles. Know that l am with you and thinking about you. Love and good wishes Liz Holmes

Liz Holmes more

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0 260

July 16, 2024

Dear Darling, I’m so sorry for the trauma you experienced in hospital. I totally condemn it. It is a complete outrage. You deserved support & you were let down. You have done nothing wrong. So many of us women want to help you. You will be supported. Please ask for exactly what you need. Nothing is too much. This will get better. I promise. You will recover. I’ve been there. So many sisters standing with you in solidarity & rage. Love & anger, Lára

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0 515

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, thinking of you and hoping that an appeal against this ridiculous sentence will be forthcoming and successful. It is unbelievable that a law from 1861 still holds sway over women’s rights and control over their own bodies. I have only recently been made aware that such a law exists. I was under the impression that abortion was a right for all women in this country. Wishing you all the best.

Sue more

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0 483

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, my heart goes out to you, cannot imagine what you must be going through with this insanity. I’m sure all you want is for it to end, and I hope you will soon be vindicated and issued an apology for this complete travesty. With love, stay strong for you, your family and your fight for justice, Jill x

Jill more

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0 490

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, my heart goes out to you for all you have gone through and the cruel injustice which you are having to suffer. I hope there will be enough pressure for those concerned to be ashamed and make amends. Stay strong. Warm wishes and thoughts Theresa

Theresa more

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0 611

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, it’s with rage that so many women and men heard of your sentencing. You have been made an example of, in response to an archaic law that has absolutely no place in our time. May you stay strong and know that the thoughts of so many of us around the world are with you, we are behind you, we are against the law, and the law must be changed.

Jules more

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0 517

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, I want to send you lots of love. You are in my prayers.

Leslie more

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0 657

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, This sentence is an insult to you and all women. I am outraged and I stand with you absolutely. I hope that the outcry against your sentence will lead to the rescinding of this outdated law and that your conviction will be quashed immediately. Stay strong.

Ann more

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