Category: solidarity
0 263

July 16, 2024

You are seen – A challenge to your rights is a challenge to the rights of us all. You are brave for taking on the challenge. We are with you!

Natasha Fox Natasha more

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0 236

July 16, 2024

You are not alone. The majority of people in this country support you. You are the victim of a ridiculous miscarriage of justice, but it will be put right for you and others eventually. Good luck and stay strong.

levelUp levelUp

0 283

July 16, 2024

You are not a criminal and do not deserve to be treated as such. We will fight for you all the way through this, you are not alone!

levelUp levelUp

0 323

July 16, 2024

You are loved!

Joy Hall Joy more

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0 239

July 16, 2024

You, and people like you, should not face criminal prosecution. I hope the Police investigation is soon completed and that no charges arise.

Michael Shaw more

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0 241

July 16, 2024

Woman to woman: stay atrong. Your fight is our fight.

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0 669

June 15, 2023

With you in solidarity sister x

anonymous more

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0 529

June 15, 2023

What’s happening to you Carla is an utter travesty. The way women in this country who are trying to exercise their rights in regards to their own health is utterly disgusting and something desperately needs to change. I’m keeping you in my thoughts Carla and hoping for the very best for you!

Lizzie more

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0 254

July 16, 2024

What has happened to you should not happen again to any other woman you have my full support

Dave Servant more

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0 544

June 15, 2023

We’ve got your back

Phil more

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