Category: solidarity
0 976

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie, Your story has made me so sad. It chills me that you have been treated this way simply for accessing medication. It’s disgusting. I offer you love, support and sisterhood. I have terminated two pregnancies, one surgically and one using pills as prescribed by a doctor. You should have been treated with love, compassion and respect. It is what you deserve in the face of a medical emergency. I am sure you know this but sometimes we need to hear it: it is not your fault. It is infuriating that after an experience like this you now have to face a bogus court case. You should be recovering from this traumatic health incident surrounded by love, not judgement. Sending you love, and solidarity, I will follow your case and hope very much to see compassion and justice throw the bloody thing out of the courts so you can heal. Jo

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0 995

July 16, 2024

Sending lots of love and ease your way, Katie.

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0 303

July 16, 2024

I am appalled at this ridiculous situation. I am 100% with Katie.

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0 276

July 16, 2024

Sorry you are being treated so shabbily by people who should be showing understanding and compassion. Be assured that a great many “ordinary ” folk sympathise and are thinking of you.

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0 257

July 16, 2024

Katie, there are so many terrible things happening in the world but the way the English state has treated you is absolutely ghastly. I really did not believe my wife when she told me about it; please know that there must be hundreds if not thousands of well-wishes supporting you and be assured of our thoughts and hopes. With best wishes, Timothy Reynish

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0 297

July 16, 2024

No one other than the woman involved in what is always a most difficult and painful situation. should have any right to decide if this woman does or not want to be a parent (or be a parent again). This is more than a healthcare issue – pregnancy is not the most important aspect of such a plight. Pregnancy is for none months. Motherhood is for life. Wholeheartedly with you, Katie! Be strong and take good care of yourself. Right and reason are on your side.

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0 265

July 16, 2024

I can’t imagine what you’re going through but we stand with you. What an outrageous thing to have to be put through. Our bodies our choice. Sending all the love x

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0 237

July 16, 2024

Hi Katie I really feel for what you are going through. I had an abortion many years ago and feel I might not be here today if I hadn’t! You have my solidarity and support in an unfeeling, unfair patriarchal system. With blessings Valerie

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0 242

July 16, 2024

We are so sorry to hear that you are on trial. We had no idea that such a thing is possible in our day and age. May the outcome be in your favour and something done to take this appalling 1861 law off the statute book so that nobody else will suffer.

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0 232

July 16, 2024

Thinking of you. This treatment you are receiving is disgraceful. These ancient laws need revoking now. It is always women who seem to suffer at the hands of such injustice.

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