Category: Carla-Foster
0 519

June 15, 2023

So sorry Carla that you have been incarcerated for something that has gone on since time immortal. I know it’s hard to get an abortion and you don’t always know how far into a pregnancy without a scan you are.. but to rip you from your family and criminalise you is outrageous. I’m so angry with the system that can send a woman to jail for controlling her body please know myself and thousands of people are thinking and hoping your sentence gets quashed soon xx

Dee more

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0 482

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla I was very sorry to learn of your situation and the fact that you were prosecuted under an ancient law. Please know that you have my support and hope to hear of your release soon Yours John

John more

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0 520

June 15, 2023

I can’t begin to understand what you’ve been through & am appalled at how our so-called justice system has treated you. My thoughts are with you.

Liza more

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0 671

June 15, 2023

With you in solidarity sister x

anonymous more

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0 490

June 15, 2023

Dear Carla, my heart goes out to you for all you have gone through and the cruel injustice which you are having to suffer. I hope there will be enough pressure for those concerned to be ashamed and make amends. Stay strong. Warm wishes and thoughts Theresa

Theresa more

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0 507

June 15, 2023

It should never be questioned that women should have ultimate control over what happens to their bodies. Safe abortion and support should be an option for all women who find themselves pregnant in all circumstances where they don’t want to have a child, for whatever reason. If she is suffering from mental illness, then she should also received mental health support for as long as she needs it. Counselling should be available to anyone who needs it when choosing abortion, and good, non-judgemental information about the process should be readily available to anyone who is considering it. We need gold standard treatment, and Carla’s name should never have been plastered all over the press. Carla’s three children will suffer enough while their mother is in jail, having the world knowing that their mum is in jail, and the reasons for it, is just cruelty. Carla is not a criminal, the law is wrong and needs to be changed.

Amanda more

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0 520

June 15, 2023

Be strong Carla what has happened to you is a travesty, take strength that we outside are fighting in various ways for your release ! You do NOT deserve to be where you are whatsoever ! There are an extremely large no of supporters fighting for your freedom. Bless you, sending you best wishes, strength, and love ❤️❤️❤️ you are always in our thoughts and will get you released ❤️

Monica more

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0 533

June 15, 2023

Hi mate, you don’t know me but I just want to say that you have done nothing wrong and that I am appalled at your treatment and sentence. Totally unfair and wrong. Try and stay as strong as you can, I know that will be really hard. But there are loads of us that will be supporting you and demanding change. Please know that you are not alone and try to feel the support. Take lots of care and I wish you a speedy return home. Charlie.

Charlie more

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0 605

June 15, 2023

Solidarity and hope you are released soon.

Stephen more

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