Category: solidarity
0 252

July 16, 2024

Your life your choice your body! All solidarity with you for exercising your basic rights. I’m so sorry this is happening to you, we are with you <3

Chloe more

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0 261

July 16, 2024

Your body is your own and nobody has the right to tell you what to do with it. I am so sorry for what this inhumane system has put you through. You are so unbelievably brave in the face of such unbelievable injustice. Please know that there are so many people sending you love and solidarity and standing by your side.

levelUp levelUp

0 247

July 16, 2024

Your body is your body and no one else’s. Your mind is your mind and no one else’s. You are a strong woman. You don’t have to answer to anyone. Solidarity and keep smiling. There are good days to come.

Jenny more

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0 241

July 16, 2024

You, and people like you, should not face criminal prosecution. I hope the Police investigation is soon completed and that no charges arise.

Michael Shaw more

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0 643

June 15, 2023

You will of course be upset Carla, but above all, don’t feel ashamed. You did what you had to do and until someone has been in your position and had to make that decision for themselves, they have no right to criticise you. Take strength from that knowledge. I am sending you my supportive thoughts and love. With others, I will be arguing for your return to your children as soon as possible – I will start by lobbying my MP. Look after yourself. Trish xxx

Patricia more

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0 559

June 15, 2023

You must have been desperate and you have my full sympathy.

Alan more

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0 259

July 16, 2024

You don’t deserve to be treated in this way and I’m thinking of you and wishing you every strength in your time of need….stay strong

Theresa Peters more

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0 273

July 16, 2024

You deserved support, not punishment.

Naomi Jay more

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0 230

July 16, 2024

You deserve proper healthcare and have the right to control your own fertility – only you know what you can sustain and all women should all be trusted as it’s a deeply personal decision. I say this as someone who’s life was affected by both my grandmother’s and my mother’s lack of access to appropriate abortion care. There is no compassion in those policies. You and all women deserve better.

levelUp levelUp

0 285

July 16, 2024

You deserve care not punishment, thinking of you with love.


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