When I saw those two lines on a pregnancy test after BC failed me for the first time in over a decade, I knew my only option would be abortion. There was no doubt in my mind. After 1 miscarriage and 2 healthy children, I knew I was done. I couldn’t carry another for my mental health. I would have lost the battle with anxiety and depression. 2 years later and I haven’t felt an ounce of regret, longing or ‘what could have been’. It was the most confident decision I have made in my life. The world wants to spin this narrative that everyone who considers abortion has a broken heart and spends weeks thinking over the option. For some, that’s not the case. My abortion was the best choice for my relationship, my living children, and most importantly, my own life. I am so thankful for BPAS and a world of women who aimed to support me through that experience.
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